
  • . Noviyarsi Universitas Bung Hatta




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk peningkatan kualitas proses dengan meminimasi cacat melalui perbaikan setting optimal Sewing Machine.  Metode Six Sigma merupakan salah satu metode dengan visi untuk meningkatkan kualitas menuju 3.4 defect per million opportunity (DPMO) melalui pendekatan DMAIC. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi dua faktor yang mempengaruhi CTQ yaitu kecepatan sewing bag dan frekwensi pergantian jarum. Hasil settingan optimal menunjukkan bahwa frekwensi penggantian jarum setiap 4 hari dan kecepatan mesin sewing bag 220 tube/min dapat menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dan menurunkan cacat putus benang. Hasil akhir penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengendalian proses melalui Six Sigma dapat meminimasi scrap sebesar 40.42% dan rework sebesar 47.41%. Secara keseluruhan terjadi peningkatan kualitas proses sebesar 42.12%


Kata kunci:  Kualitas Proses,  Six Sigma, Desain Eksperimen





The objective of this research was to enhanced quality process with minimizing defect through improvement of optimal setting of sewing machine. Six Sigma method is one of method with vision to increased quality toward 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO) through DMAIC approach. The result identified two factors which effects to CTQ were sewing machine speed and frequency of needle guide change. Optimal setting result showed that frequency of needle guide change every 4 days and sewing machine speed 220 tube/min could produce product with better quality and decreased yarn tear defect. The result pointed out that process control through Six Sigma could minimize scraps about 42.12% and reworks about 47.41%. The final result shows that quality process was enhanced about 42.12%


Keywords: Quality Process, Six Sigma, Design of Experiment

Author Biography

. Noviyarsi, Universitas Bung Hatta

Jurusan Teknik Industri


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How to Cite

Noviyarsi, . (2013). PENINGKATAN KUALITAS PROSES MELALUI PERBAIKAN SETTING OPTIMAL SEWING MACHINE UNTUK MEMINIMASI CACAT. Jurnal Teknik Industri Universitas Bung Hatta, 1(1), 70- 81. Retrieved from