Layout, Sytematic Layout Planning, GraphicAbstract
UKM Bintang Purnama is one of the UKM specializes in producing processed foods from sweet potatoes such as chili chips. Like UKM in general, the physical building of these UKM is integrated or share with the main house building. The current layout of UKM Bintang Purnama is currently become a problem. As the packaging station is separated by the kitchen of the house from the production area, because of this, it’s become a problem for the workers due to the distance apart. So for this reason, research is carried out to improve and design the proposed layout for UKM Bintang Purnama. This research was conducted using the Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) method and the Graph method and then compared the two alternative layouts from both methode. Based on the results of the research, the proposed layout for UKM Bintang Purnama is the proposed layout with the Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) method, because it has the smallest displacement distance, which is 31.7 smaller than the proposed layout with the Graphics method which is 43.5 and for the area of production needs of 142.6 m2.References
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