Occupational Safety, Work Accident, HIRARCAbstract
Monthly work accident cases at PT. XYZ Batam occur in the stamping division. With 8 work accident incidents, August 2020 saw the highest number of work accident cases. The stamping department needs to conduct a possible hazard analysis, risk assessment, and risk control using the Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) technique due to the presence of potential dangers and the high frequency of work accidents. The tooling set up process and the tool down process, both of which have a consequence value of 4 and a likelihood of 4, are the two procedures with Extreme risk levels identified by the analysis at the seven stages of the production process. The controls are modifying the machine, using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) according to SOP, rearranging the layout machines as well as perform preventive maintenance to ensure the machines and equipment used during tooling set up and tool down are in usable condition.References
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