Persepsi Pemilik Proyek Terhadap Pentingnya Pengerjaan Perlengkapan Jalan pada Kegiatan Jalan di Lingkungan Dinas PUPR Provinsi Sumatera Barat


  • Harnesia Wirda, Eva Rita, Rini Mulyani


Abstract: Road equipment is accessories / equipment needed for the functioning of the road to
meet certain safety or comfort standards or limits . Road construction work for Fiscal Year 2019
in the Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning Prov. West Sumatra has 25 work
packages , with 6 work packages that do not carry out road equipment work, and 19 packages
carry out road equipment work in the form of road markings. So it can be noted from the work
packages, that in the construction of road construction, it has not yet optimized road equipment.
The purpose of this study is to identify the parts of the road equipment most needed for provincial
roads and find out owner's perception of the importance of working on road equipment . The
methodology used in this research is quantitative method. The questionnaire was distributed to
KPA and Structural Officers, PPTK and Technical Staff in the Field of Bina Marga and UPTD
Maintenance Areas I to VI. The results explain that the road equipment most needed is road
markings. Sedangka n perception owner of the Work Importance of Work Equipment Road on
Environmental Activity Department of Roads in PUPR Prov. Significant West Sumatra is due to
the limited funds / budget obtained.
Keywords: Road equipment, Road safety, Road facilities


