
  • Deni Saputra, Elfiswandi .


DENI SAPUTRA, No.Bp 2017422040, Department of Masters in Management, 2019. The
Effect of Capital Structure, Investment Decisions and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) on
Company Value with Growth Opportunity as a Moderating Variable in Manufacturing Companies
Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2014 Period -2018. Supervisor I Prof. Hamdy
Hady and supervisor II Dr. H. Elfiswandi, SE, MM, Ak, CA. This study aims to determine the effect
of capital structure, investment decisions and CSR (corporate social responsibility) on the value of
the company with growth opportunity as a moderating variable in manufacturing companies listing
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2014-2018 period. This research uses secondary
data. The sample technique in this study used purposive sampling. The number of samples obtained
was 109 companies. The method of analysis in this study uses panel data regression analysis. From
this study the following conclusions are obtained: (1) There is a significant influence of capital
structure on firm value. (2) There is a significant influence of investment decisions on firm value. (3)
There is no significant effect between CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) on the value of the
company. (4) There is a significant influence of capital structure, investment decisions and CSR
together on the value of the company. (5) There is a significant influence of capital structure on firm
value which is moderated by Growth Opportunity. (6) There is a significant influence of investment
decisions on the value of the company which is moderated by Growth Opportunity. (7) There is a
significant influence of CSR on the value of the company which is moderated by Growth Opportunity.
(8) There is a significant influence of capital structure, investment decisions and CSR together on
the value of the company which is moderated by Growth Opportunity (9) The coefficient of
determination (R2) equation one in this study obtained a coefficient value (R2) of 0.871667 which
means that the contribution between capital structure variable investment decisions and CSR to high
firm value because it is above 0.871667. R square figure or coefficient of determination is 87.16%,
which means the percentage variation or change in firm value can be explained from variations in
capital structure variables, investment decisions and CSR, while the remaining 12.84% is influenced
by other variables not included in the research model this. (11) The coefficient of determination (R2)
of equation two in this study obtained a coefficient value (R2) of 0.799992 which means that the
contribution between the variable capital structure, investment decisions and CSR to the value of
the company moderated by high Growth Opportunity because it is above 0.799992. R square figure
or coefficient of determination is 79.99%, which means the percentage variation or change in firm
value can be explained by variations in capital structure variables, investment decisions and CSR
to the value of the company that is moderated by Growth Opportunity, while the remaining 20.01%
is influenced by Other variables were not included in this research model
Keywords: Company Value, Capital Structure, Investment Decisions, CSR (Corporate Social
Responsibility), Growth Opportunity


