Pengaruh Faktor Stresss Terhadap Komitmen Pada Perubahan : Komunikasi Internal Sebagai Variabel Moderasi


  • Nora Indra Mufrianti, Zaitul .


This study aims to commit to determine the effect of Stresss factors on commitment to
changes in internal communication as a moderating variable. In this study the population taken was
Agam District Communication and Information Department employees, totaling 43 people, based on
the description above, the writer took 100%. The Stresss factor influences the commitment of change
accepted because the path coefficient is 5.091 greater than 1.96 and the T-value is 0.000 less than
0.05, then communication moderates the strss factor with the commitment of change rejected
because the T statistic is smaller than 1.96 and T - value greater than 0.05, so the worse a person /
employee's communication is and the higher the employee's Stresss factor, the lower the
commitment to work.
Keywords: Komunikasi internal, Faktor Stresss , Komitmen pada Perubahan


