
  • Juwita Indah Sari, Yetty Morelent .


This study aims to describe the values of character education in the novel Bangkok The
Journal by Moemoe Rizal. The theory used is the theory of the values of character education
proposed by Syamsul Kurniawan (2017). This type of research is a qualitative study using
descriptive methods. The object of research is the novel Bangkok The Journal by Moemoe Rizal.
The data in this study are the values of character education in the novel Bangkok The Journal
by Moemoe Rizal. Data analysis techniques are (1) identifying data that has been found, (2)
interpreting data that describes character values, and (3) formulating the conclusions from the
analysis of character values in the novel Bangkok the Journal by Moemoe Rizal. Based on the
results of research and analysis of data about the values of character education in the novel
Bangkok The Journal by Moemoe Rizal obtained 14 values of character education from 177
religious data as much as 3 data. Honestly as much as 17 data. Tolerance of 4 data. Discipline
of 6 data. 34 data hard work. Creative as much as 7 data. Mandiri as much as 6 data. Curiosity
as much as 27 data. Love the motherland as much as 1 data. Reward achievements for as much
as 7 data. Friendly / communicative of 22 data. Care for the environment as much as 2 data.
Social care as much as 25 data. Responsibility of 16 data. The value of character education
that is not found in the novel Bangkok The Journal by Moemoe Rizal is democratic, the spirit
of nationalism, love of peace, and fond of reading. Based on the results of the study concluded
that the values of character education in the dominant novel Bangkok The Journal by Moemoe
Rizal is hard work that is as much as 34 data from 177 data, because hard work is a genuine
effort made by someone to get the results as expected. This can be seen when the characters in
the novel struggle to find their mother's journals spread in Bangkok.
Keywords: Bangkok The Journal novel, Values of Character Education.


