
  • Indri Rahmadani .


This study aims to describe (1) the form of inner conflict in Naning Pranoto’s Sekuntum Ruh dalam
Merah, and (2) the cause of inner conflict in Naning Pranoto’s Sekuntum Ruh dalam Merah. The theory
used in this study is a theory of the forms of inner conflict proposed by Muis (2009), and the causes of
inner conflict according to Wiramihardja (2007). The type of research is qualitative research in
descriptive methods. The data source is the novel Sekuntum Ruh dalam Merah by Naning Pranoto with
the focus of the problem is Anne Mary's inner conflict. The data collection techniques are reading and
understanding, marking the sentences and quotes in the novel based on inner conflict, inventorying data
in the novel, classifying the data contained in novel Sekuntum Ruh dalam Merah by Naning Pranoto. The
results of the study found that there were six forms of inner conflict in the main character in the novel
Sekuntum Ruh dalam Merah by Naning Pranoto. The form of inner conflict found in Anne Mary's
character are (1) depressed, Anne Mary felt a depression because she felt that she was not feeling fully
and in her soul like feeling empty.(2) feeling guilty, the guilty feeling shown by Anne Mary is the form of
regret experienced by Anne Mary. Anne Mary felt guilty about the death of her father.(3) unable, the
unable conflict shown by Anne Mary was her inability to live the life she lived. (4) frustrated, frustrated
shown by Anne Mary by wreaking all her anxiety by drinking (drunk). (5) angry, angry conflict shown by
Anne Mary are got irritable and offended or annoyed to see people around her who often judge and look
down on Anne Mary. and 6) resentment, resentment shown by Anne Mary, is the feeling of dislike to see
people who have ideal body shapes and better lives than hers. Based on the results of the study, it can be
concluded that the causes of inner conflicts contained in the novel Sekuntum Ruh dalam Merah by Naning
Pranoto are: (1) actual causes, in the form of inferior feeling that Anne Mary have because she does not
have an ideal body like women in general and (2) the cause of the reinforcement, the cause of the
reinforcement that happened to Anne Mary is because Anne Mary often gets excessive attention, so this
causes a conflict in herself.
Keywords : Anne Mary, Sekuntum ruh, Naning Pranoto


