
  • Wirda Ningsih Mulia, Yetti Morelent .


This research started from the observation conducted at Masjid Jamiatul Huda By Pass
Ketaping Padang. Based on the observation it is known that ustazd in giving speeches, using
various types of speech acts, narrative strategies, and politeness speech. The act of speech used
by ustad in speaking is very interesting to be studied because it is not only one kind of speech
acts contained in the lecture. The theory used as the basis for analyzing speech acts in this
study is the theory proposed by Leech (1994) and Brown and Levinson. This research data is
the language used by ustad in lecturing. In this study instrument or research tool used is the
researcher himself. In this study includes observation (see), and field notes. Data processing
followed by analyzing the types of speech acts, strategies speak, and politeness in speaking.
The speech acts used by the ustazd in the lecture include (1) assertive speech acts, (2) speech
acts, (3) comic speech acts, (4) speech acts. In the lecture, the ustad also uses a narrative
strategy to convey his purpose, the strategy used is (1) to be candid with positive positive
counseling, (2) to be straightforward, and (3) to speak vaguely. The politeness used in ustad
speech acts while giving speeches is positive politeness and negative politeness.
Keywords: speech act, speech strategy, politeness in speaking.


