Legal Considerations, Judges, Sexual Abuse, ChildrenAbstract
Efforts to protect children as victims of criminal sexual abuse in court are inseparable from efforts to prove the existence of criminal sexual abuse of children. The problem that often arises in the process of proving the crime of child abuse in court is that the evidence presented at trial is often not strong. The problem formulation in this research is: 1. How is the analysis of judges' legal considerations in deciding child abuse cases in Painan District Court? and 2. What are the obstacles for judges in finding material truth in deciding cases of child abuse in Painan District Court? This type of research is normative legal research and sociological legal research, the data obtained is descriptive qualitative, then analysed and conclusions are drawn using the inductive method. The judge of Painan District Court decided the case of child abuse by using juridical considerations based on the evidence and proofs presented at the trial to determine the guilt of the defendant and non-juridical considerations to determine the type and severity of punishment against the defendant, including the history of the defendant's conviction, the consequences of the defendant's actions and the condition of the defendant. 2. The obstacles for judges in the search for material truth in deciding cases of child abuse in the Painan District Court are the lack of evidence of the quality of evidence at trial.References
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