
  • Syahidatul Hanifa Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Yusrita Yanti Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Temmy Thamrin Universitas Bung Hatta


In communicating an idea, language is the one of the most important parts. In expressing themselves, the result of each person’s speech contains not only the structure of the Language and words, but also the actions which are called speech acts (Yule, 1996: 47) [1]. In this analysis, the researcher studies expressive speech act that found in the Crazy rich Asians movie. This is an American romantic comedy movie directed by Jon M.Chu, from a screenplay by Peter Chiarellie and Adele Lim in 2018. From this study, the researcher focuses on the analysis speech act of expressive. Expressive speech act is an expression of the psychological state of the speaker, Searle (1976: 12) [2]. The purpose of the research is to find out the types of expressive speech act used by the characters and the communication strategies used in the Crazy Rich Asians movie. The type of expressive speech acts has been analyzed by using theory of Searle (1976). The types of expressive speech act like greeting, thanking, complimenting, wishing, congratulating, and apologizing. There are a number of researches about expressive speech acts. Some of them done by Latumelissa (2015) [3] that analyzed the expressive speech act used by character in “Life of Pi” film. And the findings of this research show that the types of expressive acts mostly used in the main character’s utterances is apologizing speech act followed by acts of thanking. Nafi’ah (2015) [4] discuss about expressive speech act in the Harry Potter and Chamber of Secret movie script. In this case, from all the data she got, 65 of them dislike expression it means that the story of Harry Potter is about orphan children who life unhappily with his aunt and his friend that hate him. This inspired the writer to do the similar topic with different movie to see whether the findings are similar or different from the previous one. The results show the differences.


Yule, G. (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Searle, J.R. (1976). A classification of illocutionary acts. Language in Society Volume 5 Number 1 April 1976. Cambridge University Press

Latumelissa. (2015). Expressive Act Used by the main Character In Life Of Pi. Universitas Brawijaya.

Nafi’ah. (2015). Expressive Speech Act in the Harry Potter and Chamber of Secret Movie Script. Tulungagung: IAIN Tulungagung.


