
  • Siti Aisyah Aulia Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Femmy Dahlan Universitas Bung Hatta


Run, Diane Sherman, Psychopathy, Symptoms and Causes


This study aimed to find out the symptoms of psychopathy and the causes of the psychopathy portrayed by Diane Sherman in the movie Run. The writer applied Hare’s theory and used a descriptive qualitative method to this study. The writer found a total of 23 data, including 19 data describing the symptoms of psychopathy and 4 data describing the causes of psychopathy. For the symptoms, there are two categories. The first categories are the emotional interpersonal traits or feelings and relationships. The second category is social deviance explaining the lifestyle of psychopaths. For the causes there are also two categories, they are nature and nurture, but in this study, the writer found data only on nurture. In conclusion, Diane is a psychopath, who seeks pleasure through deceit and manipulation, to make her daughter stay by her side. Her obsession with her daughter, Chloe, stems from past trauma and physical abuse from her mother. Diane's lack of remorse and guilt makes her feel justified by her actions.


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