Strategic management, analysis SWOT, IFAS and EFASAbstract
Station laundry is a businss that is classified in services, which has been established since May 10, 2019. Station laundry is located at Gajah mada no. 7. Kampung Olo, Nanggalo, kota Padang. in the history of the establishment of his station laundry has obtained pretty good sales because the station laundry is a relatively new arrivals, however in the last few months station laundry experienced a decrease in sales. desreased sales volume station laundry which is influenced by the level of competition which is getting and the increasing number of laundry business establishments among the public. Sales of station laundry are decreasing affected by the pandemic covid-19 that have not ended. Un this research a study wa conducted on analysis of business management strategies using the method analysis SWOT. The purpose of this study, that is identify internal and external condition, develop a business strategy and describe an optimal and targeted business strategy. After conducting a study of internal and external conditions at the station laundry using analysis SWOT, IFAS and EFAS the result obtained are strength 1,534722 weakness 1,145833 and opportunity 1,358466 as well as treats1,136905 so that cartesius diagram shows the position of the laundry station in quadrant I, This means that the laundry station is in a fairly safe position, with various opportunities that the laundry station is considered capable of exploiting it, so that the laundry station can increase its resale volume. In this condition, the laundry station can implement and support a strategy regarding aggressive growth policies (growth oriented strategy).References
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