
  • Nofrizal .
  • Sulastri .
  • Antoni .


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of: 1) leadership style on employee performance, 2) the performance of work discipline employees, 3) the motivation to work on the performance of government officials in the performance of duties at the Department of Social Affairs, Manpower and Transmigration South Coastal District. The research population is all employees of Social Services, Manpower South Coastal District. This study did not use samples but using the entire population as the respondents of the study. A total of 46 quesioner have deployed and returned all used as research data. According Arikunto (2002) states that when research subjects is less than 100 then take it all, and his research is the study population. In this study, because the population is relatively small, so the approach to sampling conducted by survey method. Statistical analysis technique used is the validity and reliability of the data analysis descriptif, classical assumption test, F test and t-test. As for the testing of hypotheses in the study used statistical techniques multiple linear regression analysis. The results found that: (H1): The leadership style has positive and significant effect on employee performance. (H2): Discipline workplace a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (H3): Motivation positive and significant effect on employee performance. Work motivation has a dominant influence on the performance of employees, followed by work discipline and leadership style. The magnitude of the influence of leadership style, work discipline and motivation to work simultaneously on the performance of employees is 68.6% whereas the remaining 31.4% is influenced by other variables that are not included into the scope of this study.


Keywords:    Leadership Style, Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Employee Performance.


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