
  • Basir .
  • Zaitul .
  • Ice Kamela


This thesis aims to investigate the effect of the charismatic leadership, organizational culture on employee performance with a commitment to change as an intervening variable.  The samples in this study were 122 employees by using proportional random sampling method. Results of SEM method using Smart-PLS program find that charismatic leadership and organizational culture have a positive and significant relationship with the commitment to change and employee performance. In addition, commitment to change is also associated with the employee performance. Further, commitment to change is successfully as an intervening variable. On other word, charismatic leadership and organizational culture affect the employee performance through commitment to change. The findings of current study are consistent with those of Michaelis, Stegmaier and Sonntag (2009), and Jones, Jimmieson and Griffiths (2007. This finding has an important implication for developing the employee performance in public organization. In addition, this combination of findings also provides some support for conceptual premise that commitment to change is important for organization that experience changes.


Keywords: Charismatic Leadership, Organizational Culture, Commitment to Change, Employee Performance.


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