
  • Nofendri .
  • Nelmida .
  • Erni Febrina Harahap


Organizational commitment contributes for both individuals and organization performance. Many factors influence organizational commitment namely, job satisfaction, role conflict and individual characteristics. This study aims to investigate: 1. The direct effect of role conflict and individual characteristics on Organizational Commitment, 2. The direct effect of role conflict and individual characteristics on on The Job Satisfaction, 3. The indirect effect of role conflict and individual characteristics on organization commitment: role of job satisfaction as intervening variable. The population in this study are all Servants Sipi Public Works Department South Coastal District as much as 96 people. Data analysis techniques used in hypothesis testing is multiple linear regression, simple and stratified using the program Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0. The result of analysist display that: role conflict is significantly and negatively related to job satisfaction, individual characteristic has significant and positive effect on job satisfaction, job satisfaction has significant and positive effect on organizational commitment. Job satisfaction plays a role as an intervening variable among role conflict, individual characteristics and organizational commitment. The magnitude of the indirect effect of role conflict variables and individual characteristics on job satisfaction variable was 98.2%, while the direct effect without going through job satisfaction 31.3%, it can be concluded that there effect or impact variables of job satisfaction as an intervening variable by 67 %. The results provide practical recommendations to the Department of Public Works South Coastal District in improving organizational commitment should continue to increase job satisfaction, role conflict presses, and increase the individual characteristics of employees.



Keywords: Role Conflict, Individual Characteristics, Job Satisfaction,  Organizational Commitment.


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