
  • Leni Octavia
  • Sefnedi .
  • Yuhelmi .


The education sector of elementary school plays important role to support national and regional development. Consequently, the business of elementary school faces keen competition including the case of Padang City. In order to win the competition, every business of elementary school should clearly understand consumer behavior particularly his/her buying decision and its determinants. The purpose of this research was to analyze the impact of product, place, people and brand equity on consumer’s buying decision of SD Islam Al-Azhar 32 Padang and the affect of motivation as a moderating variable. The population of the research is all students’ parent and the sampling technique was performed proportional stratified random sampling whereby the useful sample was 170 respondents. Data were collected by using a structural questionnaire as the main instrument. In order to test hypotheses, this research conducted moderated regression analysis. The results of analysis displayed that: 1) Variables of product, people and motivation were found to have positive and significant impact on consumer decision in selecting SD Islam Al-Azhar 32 Padang. 2) Variables of place and brand equity did not significantly impact the consumer decision in selecting SD Islam Al-Azhar 32 Padang. 3) Variable of motivation only strengthens the relationship between place and consumer decision in selecting SD Islam Al-Azhar 32 Padang.


Keywords: Product, Place, People, Brand Equity, Motivation and   Consumers’ Buying   Decision


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