
  • Dewi Harlina
  • Syafrizal Chan
  • Yuhelmi .


Higher education has a big responsibility in the improvement of human resources. Faculty and staff are required to have a high performance.This study aims to identify and analyze forms of organizational culture, work environment, job satisfaction and employee performance, direct influence of organizational culture and work environment on job satisfaction, the direct influence of organizational culture, work environment and job satisfaction on performance, the indirect effect of organizational culture and work environment on employee performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable, as well as differences in faculty performance with the performance of employees STAIN KerinciThe research was conducted by survey method where the population is all employees and is lecturer STAIN Kerinci numbering as many as 140 people. Data analysis techniques to test the hypothesis of the study is the structural equation model (SEM).The study found that organizational culture and work environment is directly significant effect on job satisfaction, organizational culture, work environment and job satisfaction is directly significant effect on performance, organizational culture and work environment is not directly significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction as a variable intervening, and there is no difference in the performance of lecturers with STAIN Kerinci employee performance significantly.Of this study suggested the STAIN Kerinci leadership to continuously improve organizational culture, work environment, job satisfaction and employee performance.

Key Words: Organizational Culture, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction

                    Employee Performance, Structural Equation Model


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