
  • Hamijon .
  • Sefnedi .
  • Zaitul .


Subsidized urea fertilizer is recognized to determine increasing better agricultural productivity. On the other hands, the loyalty of former group in every region plays important role in consuming the subsidized urea fertilizer including in regency of South Costal Area West Sumatera. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of former group satisfaction as intervening on the relationship between product, price and loyalty. The population of the research is all former groups which located in regency of South Costal Area West Sumatera which are accounted for 842 groups. The sampling technique was performed simple random sampling while the number of useful sample was 272 respondents. Data were gathered by using a structural questionnaire as the main instrument. In order to test hypotheses, this research conducted multiple, simple and hierarchical regression analyses. The results of analysis displayed that: First, product and price were found to have positive and significant impact on loyalty of former groups. Second, product and price were found to have positive and significant impact on satisfaction of former groups. Third, former group satisfaction significantly influences loyalty of former groups. Fourth, satisfaction of former groups was found as intervening variable on the relationship between product, price and loyalty of former groups. Last, the result of analysis provides practical contributions and recommends to enhancing former group satisfaction through develop product and price of subsidized urea fertilizer.


Keywords: Product, Price, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Subsidized Urea Fertilizer


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