
  • Shinta Putri Dewi
  • Zaitul .
  • Ice Kamela


The innovation implemention behavior is perceived as important behavior in organization that experience changes. In addition, commitment to change may mediate the relationship between attitude and behavior as predicted by Theory of Plan Behavior (Azjen, 1991). Therefore, this study address whether charismatic leadership and trust in leader impact on the innovation implemention behavior. Besides, this study also investigate the role of commitment to change as intervening variable. Therefore, employee working in Dinas Pemuda Olahraga Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kerinci is used as research respondent. Off the study population, 106 respondent completed and returned the questioner.  By applying the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the AMOS software, we reveal that there is significant positively relationship between charismatic leadership and trust in leader with commitment to change as well as innovation implemention behavior. In addition, strong evidence of commitmet to change is found affecting the innovation implemention behavior. Further, the most striking result that emerged from the data is that commitment to change successfully play as intervening variable in this study. The findings of this study is consistent with previous study and support the Theory of Plan behavior (Azjen, 1985). Finally, this study has a practical and theoretical implication as well as a number important of limitations as a basis for recommendation for future research.

Keywords    : Charismatic leadership and Trust in the Leadership, Commitment to change and Innovation Implementation Behavior


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