The purpose of this research was to inversigate the moderating effect of brand image
on the relationship between product, price and buying decision of coffee in Sungai
Penuh city. The research population was all customers who have been consuming
kerinci coffee since six months in Sungai Penuh city. This research performed
purpossive sampling to get the samples. In order to test hypotheses, this study
conducted multiple, single and moderated regression analyses. The results of analysis
found that a) Product positively and significantly influenced consumer buying
decision. b) Price positively and significantly influenced consumer buying decision. c)
Brand image positively and significantly influenced consumer buying decision. d)
Brand image was found as moderating variable and stengthened the relationship
between product, price and consumer buying decision. The findings of this research
recommended that in order to increase the numbers of Kerinci coffee selling future, it
is needed to develop product and pricing decisions.
Keywords: Product, Price, Brand Image and Buying Decision.
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