The purpose of this study was to inversigate the intervening role of customer satisfaction on the relationship between service quality, price and customer loyalty. The study population is all customers used IUD contraceptive in Sungai Penuh city and number of sample was accounted for 110 customers. This study performed proportional cluster sampling to get the sample. In order to test hypotheses, this study conducted multiple, single and hierarchical regression analyses by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0. The results of analysis displayed that a) Service quality and price decision positively and significantly explained customer loyalty. b) Service quality and price decision positively and significantly explained customer satisfaction. 3) Customer satisfaction was found to have positive and significant effect customer loyalty. 4) Customer satisfaction played as intervening variable on the relationship between service quality, price and customer loyalty. The findings of this study provided practical contribution and recommendation to enhancing customer satisfaction, service quality, and price decision.
Keywords: Service Quality, Price, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty
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