Effect of Party Identity, Value Prominent and Demographic Characteristics Of Choosing Behavior In Kerinci.


  • Nopantri .
  • Zaitul .
  • Nelmida .


This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of the party's identity, persona values, and demographic characteristics on voting behavior in Kerinci. The population was Kerinci community numbering 250 people. This study used accidental sampling technique. Data analysis using SPSS version 17 software assistance. The results of this study were 1) Identity of party influence on voting behavior in Kerinci district identity meaning the party for voting behavior in Kerinci district is able to influence the attitude of the people in making decisions in choosing a political party. 2) Value Prominent significant effect on voter behavior in Kerinci district means the value of the figure of a person greatly influenced the relationship between attitudes and behavior, and is also the basis to conform to social values prevailing in society as a voter. 3) Aspects of Demographic Characteristics (age, education level, income level and gender) was also significantly influence voting behavior in Kerinci. This means that there are differences in the demographic karakeristik Kerinci affect voting behavior.


Keywords: Party Identity, Value Prominent, Aspect Demographics Characteristics,BehaviorVoters


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