
  • Susmita Permana
  • Zaitul .
  • Herawati .


Corporate governance (corporate governance) describes a set of relationships between the company's management, its board, its shareholders and stakeholders. With good corporate governance practices will increase the value of the company including financial performance, reduce the risk of adverse effects of management actions that tend to benefit themselves and to increase investor confidence. Performance of companies represent advances and setbacks of a company. Company's financial performance is the result of many individual decisions are made continuously by management. This study aims to find empirical evidence about the influence of the characteristics of the commissioners (independent board composition, board size, educational background commissioners and shareholding structure of the board of commissioners) on financial performance of the company listed Indonesa Stock Exchange. The study population is a company registered in the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the period 2006-2008 amounted to 430 companies, the number of companies that publish financial statements and other data required to complete this study amounted to 218 samples. Accidental sampling method used for the selection of samples where the population becomes incomplete data of listed companies can not be taken or done research. Hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the independent board composition and board size commissioner does not affect the company's financial performance. Educational background of the commissioners and commissioners shareholdings significant negative effect on the financial performance of the company. Firm size (size) and leverage a significant influence on the financial performance so variable firm size (size) and leverage as control variables expected to be able to eliminate the influence of external factors on the variables studied



Keywords : Independent board, board of commissioners, expertise and knowledge of the board of commissioners, stock ownership, ROA


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