The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of service marketing-mix onbuying decision of consumptive loan in Jambi Bank. The research population is all
consumptive loan customers in the period of year 2013 that accounted for 722
customers and the numbers of usable samples were 239 customers. In order to test
hypotheses, this study performs multiple regression analys. The results of analysis
found that a) Product and price did not significantly influence buying decision of
consumptive loan in Jambi Bank. b) Promotion, place, people, process, and physical
evidance positively and significantly impact buying decision of consumptive loan in
Jambi Bank. c) People were found to have the stronger impact on buying decision of
consumptive loan in Jambi Bank, and then followed by the variables of promotion,
physical evidance, process, and place. The research findings provide some practical
contributions that in order to enhancing influence buying decision of consumptive
loan in Jambi Bank future, it is rocommended to increase the implamentation of
people, promotion, physical evidance, process, and place respectively.
Keywords: Service Marketing-Mix, Buying Decision, and Consumptive Loan.
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