Peer Review Process

The journal utilizes a double blind peer review process. All manuscripts will initially be pre-reviewed by the editors for the requirements and suitability for the journal, before being sent to a minimum of two independent peer reviewers.

The review process which can guard and increase the article quality is an important aspect that must be free from impact and free from conflict of interest. Therefore, it is critical if this process is escorted by an existing editor team and peer-reviewers who have an expert in the field of research on the reviewing article. Article review process usually takes 4 to 8 weeks. Here we convey the process and policy of review in the Jurnal Manajemen Universitas Bung Hatta.

Comments and recommendations from the reviewers help the editor to decide whether or not to publish the articles in our journal. The editor will have the final decision about whether to accept or reject the article. The editor may request the author to revise the article before making the final decision. The article is original guaranteed by the writer and is not published in the other journals/proceedings. Results of the assessment possibilities articles can be:

  1. Accepted with minor revisions.
  2. Received with major revisions.
  3. Suggested sent to another appropriate journal.